My Journey So Far

Lately I’ve been obsessed with my writer’s journey. I had somehow assumed that if a publisher offered me a contract, I would sell a lot of books and maybe even become a best-selling author. Despite great reviews, I’ve only sold about 300 books. Luckily, I’m not depending on royalties to pay the rent. I was feeling pretty low with my lack of success, then I realized that book sales are not necessarily the measure of success—it is all about the journey these books have provided in the past two years.

Of course, I’d like to be a best-selling author, but maybe this excursion into a new world was about something else. Perhaps it was about the friends I’ve made along the way, or the confidence I’ve gained from speaking in front of audiences. Or maybe it was just about digging into my heart for a story that connected with a few people out there. Maybe I’ve made a difference in someone’s life, but I know for a fact that I’ve made a difference in my own life.

Here are a few things I found on this journey:

  • Support from my critique group who helped me write and re-write both books.
  • An appreciation of the writers and poets who let me share my work at Open Mic events and encouraged me along the way.
  • A group of new friends through my publisher who added their books to my reading list and brought me new ideas and a sense of community.
  • A foray into an arts and crafts fair this summer with the women who featured me in their book club.
  • A sense of accomplishment. I say I ONLY sold 300 books, but I should remove the ONLY—I sold 300 books! (and the buyers were not all friends and relatives).

Sadly, I have always equated success with dollars and cents and this journey taught me that there is more to success than money. Don’t get me wrong, I would not turn down a movie deal or a chance to sell a million copies of my books, but sometimes we need to appreciate what we have rather than looking for some future pot of gold.

So instead of obsessing over book sales, I am letting it go. I love all the love I have gotten since writing the books and if that turns into sales, I am grateful! But even if it doesn’t, I am grateful for this journey. It has been quite a ride so far…

One thought on “My Journey So Far

  1. Thank you for these much needed words. I love how ‘messages’ come along exactly when we need them. I relate to this!

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